
Fix Windows driver update causing Inaccessible Boot Device BSOD

The search and fix for Inaccesible boot device error caused by windows update

selective focus photography of computer code monitor display
Increase disk space on Ubuntu guest VM – no GUI or GParted

Introduction I’m writing this article mostly for my future self since I already did this kind of expansion twice in the last year and had to waste a lot of time finding this solution online. Mos…

Course project: Snapshot of SARS-CoV 2 infections in Romania at 08 Oct 2020

As I mentioned in the previous article, the final step of a Python and Pandas course was to make an exploratory data analysis and visualization of a real world dataset. Since I already had the idea to…

Sharing data analysis notebooks on Jovian

Disclaimer This is my first article ever written on a blog and the first long format written text in years, so treat it gently 🙂 Excerpt from “Who am I?” Long story short, I’m a l…